Wednesday 29 August 2012

Remedy For How To Stop Ringing In The Ears

Ringing in the ears is common among many people. At one time or another, most people will experience ringing in the ears. It can be a very uncomfortable experience. The ringing can sometimes sound like hissing, buzzing, clicking or roaring. The sound can either be loud or soft. It can have a high pitch or a low pitch. In most cases, it is not a serious problem, but it can be a big nuisance to those who have it. In cases where it is a serious problem, medical or surgical treatment may be needed. For this, a professional should be consulted.

In some cases, the ringing may get worse. The person experiencing this may find it difficult to sleep, hear or even concentrate. Ringing in the ears is usually a symptom that there is something wrong. It can be something as simple as having something stuck in the ear.

Sleep Mask

In older people, ringing in the ears could a sign of hearing loss. It could also be one of the side-effects of medicine. Being in a noisy place could lead to this problem as well. Trauma to the ear could also be a cause for this ringing. Currently, there is no known cure for ringing in the ears. However, there are various ways of dealing with the problem depending on the cause.

Remedy For How To Stop Ringing In The Ears

For those affected by this problem only when sleeping, sound from a radio, a fan or any kind of machine can be relieving. The radio, machine or fan can be turned on when those affected are going to bed so that they have a restful night free of the irritating and disturbing sound. This remedy has been known to work for many people.

For some people, stress makes the problem worse. In such cases, relaxing will help relieve the problem. Various relaxation techniques such as taking deep breaths, yoga and meditation among others will make the situation better. Using caffeine usually makes the problem worse. It should be avoided by people who suffer from this problem.

People who are affected by this problem should include plenty of garlic, kelp and sea vegetable in their diet. This is known to make the problem better. Another remedy for this problem is to spray each nostril with a solution made of a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of glycerin and a pint of warm water. The throat should be sprayed with this solution as well.

Ginkgo biloba, an herb that can easily be found, helps in reducing the dizziness that comes with this kind of problem. It reduces hearing loss that is usually cause by decrease in blood flow to the ears, thus reducing the ringing. In cases where there is inflammation, eating lots of pineapples will reduce this.

Use of anti-depressants can be very helpful because they help in masking the sound in the ear. Natural anti-depressants that are found in different kinds of food should be included in the diet of affected people so as to help block out the irritating sound.

Remedy For How To Stop Ringing In The Ears

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